Are you still Pregnant? 
This book never goes out of style because people won't stop reproducing!

Ever been pregnant? Well if you have, you know that anything can piss you off and that people trying to help can have the exact opposite effect! This book is for everyone involved from the family and well wishers to gawkers and nosy strangers.

From the giant underwear and the weird stretching to the horrible odors and the moronic questions, "Are you Still Pregnant?" covers it all. Want to buy a gift for some prego and don't want to get caught up in all those booties and baby garb?

This is sure to tickle the funny bone no matter how deep it's currently buried or which side of the big belly you are on! 

44 pages, fully illustrated and $3.00.

Written by Mike Wellins and Gem Noland.

Here's two pages from th
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Here's two pages from the book!